Fluid Resuscitation in Sepsis: How Much and What Kind? (Viewing Only)

Fluid Resuscitation in Sepsis: How Much and What Kind? (Viewing Only)

Contact hours awarded: 2.5 

Fluid resusciation is a cornerstone of sepsis therapy. Everyone agrees that patients with sepsis need fluids- but the agreements end there. Crystalloid or colloid? 30ml/kg or end-point based? How do we assess the efficacy of fluid resuscitation in sepsis? In this course we will discuss all of this and more!

Course Outline:

  1. The Importance of Fluid Resuscitation in Sepsis
  2. The Great Debate: Crystalloid vs. Colloid
  3. Choice of Crystalloid Fluid for Resuscitation: Is Normal Saline Really “Normal”?
  4. How much fluid do septic patients need?
  5. Macrovascular/Microvascular end points of resuscitation: (CVP, SVV, Bedside Echocardiography, Lactate Levels, Sv02 and Scv02, Capillary refill time)
  6. Fluid challenge without the fluid: Passive leg raise and end-expiration occlusion test
  7. Putting it together
  8. Summary
  9. References

More Course Information

In this course, we will discuss fluid resuscitation strategies in septic patients with evidence of tissue hypoperfusion.

Author: Chelsea McCracken, MSN, APRN

Learner objectives: By the end of the course the learner shall be able to:

  • Understand the physiologic importance of fluid resuscitation in sepsis.
  • Describe the difference and pros/cons of crystalloid vs colloid fluid resuscitation.
  • Explain how different endpoints can be used to measure fluid resuscitation effectiveness in sepsis.

This course will take the average learner 150 minutes to complete and awards 2.5 contact hours of continuing education.  

Target Audience: 

Registered Nurses (RN)

Advanced Practice Registered Nurses (APRN)

Licensed Practical Nurses (LPN)

Requirement for completion:

Successful completion of all modules (course content, test, and evaluation).

Course Offering # 12

Continuing Education Provider Approval # 7-0090

Expiration: December 21, 2021

Nursing CE Central is an approved provider of continuing education per the KBN.

Course Content

Total learning: 1 lesson Time: 15 days


Chelsea McCracken is an acute care nurse practitioner practicing with the solid organ transplant team at a Washington, DC hospital.She is a graduate of Pennsylvania State University. She has extensive experience as an intensive care unit nurse and is CCRN certified. She is also a member of the American Society of Transplantation.