Continuing Education Made Easy

Showing 11-20 of 42 results
Liver Transplant: Beyond The Basics (Viewing Only) Free

Liver Transplant: Beyond The Basics (Viewing Only)

04/21/2019 / No Comments
Not a member? Sign up. Contact Hours: 3.5 The first liver transplant was performed in 1967 by Dr. Thomas Starzl. Today, liver disease is the 12th most common cause of death. Liver transplant remains the last treatment option for patients with end-stage liver disease. Do you want to learn more about the transplant process and…
Drains: Everything You Need to Know (Viewing Only) Free

Drains: Everything You Need to Know (Viewing Only)

04/21/2019 / No Comments
Not a member? Sign up. Contact Hours: 2.5 Drains are often placed in patients to allow for drainage of a site. The most common indication for drains is to evacuate abscesses/infection. Nurses caring for patients with drains are often intimidated and overwhelmed. In this CE course you will learn about drain management and how care…
Nursing Documentation 101: How to Guard Your License (Viewing Only) Free

Nursing Documentation 101: How to Guard Your License (Viewing Only)

04/21/2019 / No Comments
Not a member? Sign up. Contact Hours: 2.5 Documenting is at best a useful tool for communication and at worst a necessary evil. It is well-known that documenting is one of the most tedious aspects of bedside nursing. It takes time away from patient care and may be used for (or against) you in court….
Prone Positioning in ARDS: How To Do It Right (Viewing Only) Free

Prone Positioning in ARDS: How To Do It Right (Viewing Only)

04/21/2019 / No Comments
Not a member? Sign up. Contact Hours: 4 Acute respiratory distress syndrome is a rapidly progressive and often fatal condition with a mortality of >50%. ARDS is encountered by nurses in all hospitals settings- from small rural hospitals to large urban centers. Patients may quickly become too unstable for transport, therefore it is imperative that…
Measles: The Forgotten Virus is Making a Comeback (Viewing Only) Free

Measles: The Forgotten Virus is Making a Comeback (Viewing Only)

04/21/2019 / No Comments
Not a member? Sign up. Contact hours: 1.5 Measles (Rubeola) is an infectious virus that affects predominantly children. It can have affect many systems leading to life-threatening pneumonia and/or encephalitis. Many healthcare practitioners are inexperienced the disease as it was rare in the U.S. prior to the current anti-vaccination movement. In this course we will…
Influenza: Recognition, Treatment and Red Flags (Viewing Only) Free

Influenza: Recognition, Treatment and Red Flags (Viewing Only)

04/21/2019 / No Comments
Not a member? Sign up. Contact hours: 2.5 Every year approximately 5-20% of the population will fall ill with seasonal influenza. 200,000 of those will become ill enough to require hospitalization. In recent years H1N1 was responsible for an unprecedented number of deaths among young, healthy adults. It is imperative that nurses are able to…